After all these months ...
...I finally came to the question WHYme? and it sucks.Honestly, things were going going well over all ths time but one little thing can break me right now. I do not feel optimstic.I will not stop working on getting better but I'm mad as hell. One of the reason isthat no one really undererstands that my brain is sick. Iam physically well but but a lot of things most adults do are hard for me. I can't drive anymoreIcan understand money to a certain dgree. but I don't want to make any any errors. Also, I am awaare my condition and it quite surreal. But,because I am using placicity toget my brain back on track I have to work even harder to get better.This blog is about the ups and downs. As I go about my day but nobody wants the downs downs. But that is my life right now. I never know when my brain will still be useful at any time or not.