What I do during the day.
A friend of mine suggested I blog about what I do during the day. Honestly, My days are quite quiet. Me and the cats. If its not raining I walk downtown andget a treat at Blooming Foods.I have a new phone and Ifinally got ear pods for this phone. I love to walk, but a walk with someone is more preferable. I also go to doctor appointments, not a ton. Ilike my speach days because there are fun because I get to use my brain to helpme with the concepts that help me with talking and understanding. The other thing is that Iwill soon to be getting a test to see if I am loosing my words and understanding. I think I'm doing well on this because of all the plaicity that have made me strong in my brain. If anyone has some time I would love to have a brain break with you on the B- line or otherplaces around B-town. I lsten to Fresh air when I dont have a friend to chat with on a walk.