
All the things I can do

Soon I will be going up to Indy to see what mybrainis doing to.see my  weakness and streaths. I really hate the word weakness. Rather,I like the wordChallanges That is  how Ive used it for kids who are not able    tocope.  I woke up this morning with a whole list of things I CAN do. At tithis timeI am  am advising phd candidewho wantsto  know the hows and of my work over longemail threads. That should be good for something!  I canwalk downtown with out getting lost, I can talkand walk at the same time! I make dinner,I get the I do all thelaundry. I make the food shopping list I crochest thehyperbolic plane. How about that!  I also can type and get my words out with not too much hassle. I guess gI'm doing as well as I can so that is a win for me. The other thing is that Ican remember peoples names better than ever which was not the thecase in my old brain. Go figure! I am cognnsent about my plite but that is a awhole other story!  

Brain food.

A new perspective have I. These days Ifeel like  anything  can be placitiy for me. I love to walk and talk with My friend Cindy.k We wlk and talk about  lot of things like shadoows and the ground we walk on. I also likeThe Crows.Some times after our walks I have to eat right away be cause when this happens I get really hungry. Apparently, any time the brain isdoing something new like trying to ride a bike it takes 30% of of energy to make it,and that is why I'm always h hugry after Speach sessions! My favorite brain food is yougurt with full cream and the pasta at the Bloominfoods deli!

What I do during the day.

 A friend of mine suggested I blog about what I do during the day. Honestly, My days are quite  quiet. Me and the cats. If its not raining I walk downtown andget a treat at Blooming Foods.I have a new phone and Ifinally got ear pods for this phone. I love to walk, but a walk with someone is more preferable. I also go to doctor appointments, not a ton. Ilike my speach days because there are fun because I get to use my brain to helpme with the concepts that help me with talking and understanding. The other thing is that Iwill soon to be getting a test to see if I am loosing my words and understanding. I think I'm doing well on this because of all the plaicity that have made me strong in  my brain. If anyone has some time I would love to have a brain break with you on the B- line or otherplaces  around B-town.   I lsten to Fresh air when I dont have a friend to chat with on a walk.

After all these months ...

 ...I finally came to the question WHYme?  and  it sucks.Honestly, things were going going well over all ths time but one little thing can break me right now. I do not feel optimstic.I will not  stop working on getting better  but I'm mad as hell. One of the reason isthat no one really undererstands that my brain is sick. Iam physically well but but a lot of things most adults do are hard for me. I can't drive anymoreIcan  understand money to a certain dgree. but I don't want to make any any errors.   Also, I am  awaare my condition and it quite surreal. But,because I am using placicity toget my brain back on track I have to work even harder to get better.This blog is about the ups and downs. As I go about my day but nobody wants the downs downs. But that is my life right now. I never know when my brain will still be useful at any time or not.


Yesterdaay I had company on my walkwith  Cindy K  and I ate bacon! Yummy! I was also getting memories from all the things and projects. If possible I might be able to get that footage. My friends are passing back my memories in a lovely way I used to be a percussive dancer. I also played the wooden flute in my band  along with the dancing. Grey  Larson is going to give me lessons! Mike Pulled out my flute out and it sounded good!  Now I just need a tune to learn!


All the things I am noticing I notice that I have some friends in my my neiborhood who check in with with me whichI am so grateful for.   I notice that,even if I'm working on my instrutional video It's not quite not like having a job. I notice that that I can drive but onlyto go to Blooming foods and the Colledge llege mall Kroger.And Target. I notice that when I walk and with friends it is mostly about me.  I notice that I can still walk  and and talk thank goodness. I notice that I'm 'm feeling isolated but Idon't know how to mitigate this...but todayI had a  fine time with an old friends who knew mewhen I was dancing and, playing theflute!  We walke downtown and was treated with alovely Brunch and conversation. Whata  balm for me. I notice I notice that my typed words are getting  better. I notice that I'm lonely.Nowhere to go No fun things  to do.My friend Cindy took r  Acaveat: Thiings are looking better with afreind who loves towalk jus...

Semantic Network

So, last week myspeach interns andI had some diffiulty around  tthe sematic web we use to help me find words for myself.  I need to use it so I can find the words Iwant to use since my kind of Afasia is word finding. Generally, any time I'm getting frustrated not just this context but  when I get lost in the words,litterally, I will take  step back and try and find theBIG ideas and concepts I'mworking on.Ideas.Then Ifound This! In stead of getting frustrated   found this! What is Semantic Network? In a nutshell t What is Semantic Network? Ignore the graphs for now since I don't know how it works. A knowledge base that represents semantic relations between concepts in a network. The model of knowledge representation is based on a directed or undirected graph consisting of vertices, which represent concepts, and Disregard the graphs, which...