
Showing posts from October, 2021

Back to normal

HA! My husband had a talk with my 16 year old a few weeks a go about my diagnosis. When I asked what he said it was that I was one of the most Intellgent person he knew,which is nice to know but now the bloom is off the rose and now she's back to her teenage self again.  


I woke up this morning with flashbacks of my cognitive break down. It was allarming and it shook me.  Luckily Ihave a friend who works with placity which is why I'm here now, talking and having conversaions Even though my new brain is working better than the other brain I still don'trust  that it will happen again. Hoping to get a  therapist who mght get this transition.   transition.That's all for now. xoxo See you round the bend. -Malke

What is you favorite Word?

Last weekend on Facebook I asked folks on Facebook to to tell me what their favorite word is.  Movement!   Here are the curent entries  and I hope you will add your favorite words in the comments! You could have a lot of words or just one. and I would love know what word (s) you Love! Last weekend on Facebook I asked folks on  Facebook to to tell me what their favorite word is. Mine is Movement. Here are the curent  entries and I hope you will add your favorite word to this list in the coments!  -Play/playful  -Twenty Seven -memory  -Balderdash -sesquicentennial  -Finicky  -Butter cream -Action! -Smooshed  -greay hound - Bereft  -


Because I have diffuculty understanding what people say to me I thought it might be good to to do something that would help me with understanding directions. I had already thought that learning Origami might be as good project for me so I decided to challange myself beacause to do something  that would really  challallange me but I FINALLY made my first origami piece!! My brain and me have  I have been challanged by the origami which means my brain is growing and  making more connections in my brain!! I'm not really someone who follows instrucions but in this case I was thrilled that my first piece looked so pretty!  AND I did follow the instrucions! I I think I will keep going with the Origami!


I think the biggest thing that is happening to me now  is noticing the NON-precision  in my written comunication is the that in my words are't as precise any more.  In my work. I was known to be precisice in my words and in my ideas about how we can create a system for children to understand the how,s and way's of letting elementary kids make their own understanding of math and movement and then take what they know and make something really interesting to the to their peers and to adults.  This post was for trying to get that langauage back a little bit. it. Mostly Ijust need to be more specific in this blog and maybe the more I write the better it'll be.  And, really, I CAN  proof read my own work for sure.#ican #iwill 

Wiped out but happy

We did  LOT today in an hour of afasia therapy today. This was my second therapy session with my team--yestterday and last week kbothties It seems that   that is what will help me over the long term. I am working hard to develop stratigies to keep my words fresh meaning knowing how communicate better than I might be now and later when I really need it. There is also a varient  of afsia that focuses on the kind of afsia I have. Only 30%has my variant of afsia! Also I would love for folks to comment on the blog wth their best loved word!   You can tell me why or just send it through in the comments! Thank you! Thank you! xxo  I can't wait to know your favorite word/s Also , no word finding in this post! Have a great weekend! xxo

New Ideas for for my brain!

My days right now are  to get my brain in the best it can be. Today I walked, but not alot of talking since my husband was working at home today. HOWEVER... I am starting a few new therapy-like activiteis to keep my brain interested (like a little puppy..hahah! ) I am starting a course of my own to be be better about understanding what people say to me.  I n this case, I am learning how to be good at following  directions.  I can use 0rrigami (which has  lot of instrutions) .I bought some really beautiful origami paper  So I can flex my understanding while learning to to follow dirctions.    This will will likely be a big challenge for me since i'ts something I usally don''t   don't do!  I'd love to ad photos to this blog.but  will try to to make it work some how! I also have a game which was made for kids but I think it will help me with the    math, espspecically factors! That should be fun! No word finding in this ...

Friends make everything better!

 I've been a shy optimistic person most of my life but when I realised, as an adult thatI hadnt' made many new friends since since College I am now relishing talking to people,I even iif it's just a short  interlued.  But I do have some friends in the neighborhood.  I Got to know a new friend who walked with me during my first run of walking out on my my first walking / brain exercise, which was wonderful.   I also have a friend who works with placicicity and she suggested Scrabble which has both words and numbers.!  This post has had  no word finding in this post!

First day of Therapy! a few days late!

WOW! First dayof therapyfor mywords  AND me! After all the waiting I feel like a a  $100! Bucks! Iv'e got  homework and everything!  After not knowingwhat was wrong with me over allALLLL these years I can finally get the therapy I need and the empathy from people who know me and love me. I do great with great with a project.  I Know this will be hard but I'm game!  I'm also continuing with my walks and just this weekend I went and tried some slim boots for the winter. into the Spring. My mind is on placity in the brain. We can chnge our brain by usinging it purposely. My agenda is to keep moving on all fronts.  For example: a friend suggested the game scrabble! Letters and numbers!! See you around the bend! .

Scaling back

The Hardest part ofhaving a neurological condition is that my brain can work one day and not the next. I'm sure I'm not alone. That is why I am scaling back some of my comitments. I hate bowing out.  I had wanted to get a new website where all my creative math actves activities   would be available to try. I really love these projects. Maybe I can pick that up again but the the biggest thing I'ave done so far Is my game, based on my program Math in your feet. The game is called Moving Patterns Take a look! What I really need to do is to  focus on the Instrutional instructional video. 

There are days.. ...

 There are days an there are other days. I woke up today to with a difficullt brain day. What that means that my Big brain, the one that takes most ofthe liftng  when my little brain goes Bazerk and I feel like I need a babysiter.!  I do have work to do and I've spent a lot of  work  to get my project ready to go online. Lets say this blog is my therapy forthe short term term issues and say that my better brain will reappear.  I thnk ths will be my plight for many years, but the more I do things that Ilike I think I should be okay.  xxoo


Hi folks. I have been diagnosed with Primary Progressive Afasia. If you don't hknow what  that means that I could loose my some time.   However,  here is the caveat...I recently used  the placicity of my brain to re-wire my brain. I have been really  down in the dumps since my recent diagnosis.I've been struggling with apasia for at least from 2018 at least,andthrough  the Pandemic. I am a two time author all realated to my work with creative mathematics in the elementary classrooms!  schools. Math in the elementary classroom. I created Created a program called Math in Your feet. I also Had a successful Kickstarter with mygame based on Math in Your feet (dance). Math on the move. Check it out! This blog for me to not only be a patient, I want to Keep doing new things  Check  out my teaching blog if you like! At sometime  me I will give myself some challeng...