New Ideas for for my brain!
My days right now are to get my brain in the best it can be. Today I walked, but not alot of talking since my husband was working at home today. HOWEVER... I am starting a few new therapy-like activiteis to keep my brain interested (like a little puppy..hahah! )
I am starting a course of my own to be be better about understanding what people say to me.
I n this case, I am learning how to be good at following directions. I can use 0rrigami (which has lot of instrutions) .I bought some really beautiful origami paper So I can flex my understanding while learning to to follow dirctions.
This will will likely be a big challenge for me since i'ts something I usally don''t
don't do!
I'd love to ad photos to this blog.but will try to to make it work some how!
I also have a game which was made for kids but I think it will help me with the math, espspecically factors!
That should be fun!
No word finding in this blog. See you round the bend! xxoo, Malke
I will eagerly read every word you write. I am in awe of your courage, Malke!