First day of Therapy! a few days late!

WOW! First dayof therapyfor mywords  AND me! After all the waiting I feel like a a 
$100! Bucks!

Iv'e got  homework and everything!

 After not knowingwhat was wrong with me over allALLLL these years I can finally get the therapy I need and the empathy from people who know me and love me.

I do great with great with a project.  I Know this will be hard but I'm game!  I'm also continuing with my walks and just this weekend I went and tried some slim boots for the winter. into the Spring. My mind is on placity in the brain. We can chnge our brain by usinging it purposely. My agenda is to keep moving on all fronts.  For example: a friend suggested the game scrabble! Letters and numbers!!

See you around the bend!



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